Wuhan Wonder Solar Research Institute Limited Liability Company printable mesoscale perovskite solar


According to the Decision of The State Council on Amending the Regulations on the Administration of Environmental Protection in the Completion of Construction Projects (Decree of The State Council No. 682),and the Announcement of the Interim Measures for the Acceptance of Environmental Protection for the Completion of Construction Projects by the Ministry of Environmental Protection (Environmental Assessment (2017) No.4),the Environmental Protection Acceptance Monitoring Report on the Completion of the Key Core Technology Research and development Project of the Industrialization of Printable Mesoscale Perovskite solar Cells and its Modules and the acceptance comments are hereby publicized as follows

Project name: Printable meso-perovskite solar cells and their components industrialization key core technology research and development project

Construction address: Building 2, Main Workshop, No.4, Guandong Science and Technology Industrial Park, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

Construction unit: Wuhan Wonder Solar Research Institute Co., LTD

Construction contents: This project leases 2# main workshop in Guandong Industrial Park, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan City, with a total construction area of 3889.2m2, including 2427.60m2 R&D center on the first floor of Workshop 2 and 1461.60m2 office area on the second floor.This project mainly focuses on the basic research and development of printable perovskite solar cell devices and related materials. Its main research content is to take low-cost printing technology as the core, select perovskite solar cells as the research object, and condense the key scientific and technical problems and common problems of printing preparation technology in printing mesoscopic solar devices. This paper studies the design, controlled preparation, morphology (interface) structure-device performance, physical mechanism of material and device interface, device stability, preparation and integration of large area modules of printed mesoscopic solar materials, and realizes high performance solar cell devices and application demonstration based on printed mesoscopic solar materials.

Publicity time:May 31, 2023 -- June 28, 2023 (20 working days in total)

ContactXinhai Wang

Contact Number 13659842583


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